Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Guyana News report the affair


Mrs Waveney Lloyd says :

"He cheated on me almost constantly. I mostly put up with it but this thing with Bertha was too much. It very nearly destroyed me. My health deteriorated and I suffered a mini nervous breakdown at one stage, when I cried solidly for about ten days"

Vernon Coaker Home Office Minister meets Bertha

Bertha meets Home Office Minister, Vernon Coaker MP at the Savoy Hotel dinner to celebrate Peace Awards - the tickets were
£100 and Bertha did not pay for it !

Bertha in trouble - she did not get Council permission to wear Mayoral chain

Bertha was given a free £400 ticket to attend these awards. She was NOT officially invited and therefore did not have Council permission to wear the official gold Mayoral chain worth thousands of pounds. She wore it regardless to show off !!! - see article below what Willesden and Brent Times had to say about it. She also did not declare the gift.

This black witch will be your nightmare says Bertha

Willesden and Brent Times
8 November 2007

NO letters of complaints please - this is NOT Bertha


Email: sleeze101@hotmail.co.uk to tell your story or to send a letter to the Editor

SLEEZE is the fastest growing free vocal newspaper to hit the streets of Brent. It tells it how it is - without favour or political bias. It has been read by The Prime Minister's Office and the Leaders of the Opposition parties.


Monday, 26 May 2008

No offence intended - let's have a laugh. This could be anyone !!

Clive Lloyd shames the Caribbean over affair with Bertha


Clive Lloyd Shames The Caribbean over affair with Bertha Joseph

Controversy over a planning application - raised in Parliament

Bertha grabs Prince Charles - he had no choice !!!

Mayor Cllr Bertha Joseph dances with another Adulterer !!! Clearly she has a thing about Adulterers - what with her carry on with Sir Clive Lloyd

Wembley Observer report the affair !

The Voice January 2008

Party leaders do not know what they are letting themselves in for !

David Cameron moves forward to plant a smacker on Bertha in the form of a kiss !!! - Bet he now wishes he had not - and now probably wants nothing more to do with her !!!

Bertha laughs that she will never be caught out !!!!

Mayor of Brent at Christmas Mayoral Ball 2006

Bertha and one of her sons

Willesden and Brent Times 24 January 2008

The view of the paper - well said !!

Brent Times 24 January 2008

Bertha sulks because she is not going to the palace

Bertha blames her office for failing to declare gifts

The Times 6 March 2007

Bertha Joseph when she was Mayor of Brent - (keeping her secret !) I wonder what Prince Charles will think of her now ?

Remember how Cllr Joseph GRABBED Prince Charles and forced him to dance with him when he visited Brent - see links below

Prince Charles lets his hair down as he jives to a spot of reggae
...Hawkeye Records, to put on Good Thing Going by Sugar Minott, a No 1 hit in 1980, when he was grabbed by Councillor Bertha Joseph. The pair jived to the tune in the small shop. The Prince later told Carol Allen, head of the neighbourhood renewal.....
06 March 2007 The Times

Letter from local resident about Bertha bringing the church into disrepute

How disappointing to learn that Brent's former Mayor, Cllr Bertha Joseph has been labelled a mistress. It was unfortunate that she made a mockery of the sacrament of marriage by her own divorce and whilst I do not wish to judge her circumstances she should have known better to have carried on with such an affair, apparently oblivious to the circumstances. As a fellow Christian and a Parishioner of the same Church I was even more disappointed that Ms. Joseph saw fit to introduce Sir Clive to our church during her civic service, at a time when he was technically an adulterer. Sadly Cllr Joseph has fallen well below the high standards we can expect from high office - twice Brent's 1st Citizen. She has let herself and the church down and incredibly continues to accept Holy communion (the blessed Eucharist) which many years ago was forbidden if you were divorced, let alone having an affair. She is clearly not the devout Catholic that everyone thinks she is. Her officials will cry "it is a private matter". I disagree. When you are elected into public office you have no private life and private life does not mean sleeping behind your wife's back. However the Church should not play God in denying any sinner, in this case the divorced or a mistress of Holy Communion. Jesus himself has taught us that there is no sin that cannot be forgiven when he said “let the man who has not sinned cast the first stone”. He himself forgave all kinds of sinners including tax collectors, prostitutes, adulterers and even murderers. So we must not be too judgemental, as the saying goes, "she knows not what she does". We must pray for Cllr Joseph and the Lloyd family for the pain and heartache this sorrow affair has caused so many.

Yours faithfully,

Name and Address supplied
Kensal Rise resident

Mail On Sunday Exclusive - Sir Clive Lloyd and his mistress Bertha Joseph


How the 'gentleman' of cricket Clive Lloyd cheated on me throughout our entire 37-year marriage

Willesden and Brent Times 24 January 2008

Bertha fails to declare hundreds of pounds of free gifts

Captain Kandiah Chandran MBE, Chief Executive of Preset with Cllr Bertha Joseph at the Savoy Hotel, Peace Awards Dinner 2007

Willesden and Brent Times 22 May 2008

Wembley Observer

Willesden and Brent Times - 8 November 2007